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MeeClient methods

The MeeClient is created by extending a base HTTP client with MEE-specific actions. It provides methods for interacting with the MEE (Multichain Execution Environment) service.

Base Client Parameters

urlUrl(Optional) URL for the MEE node service. Defaults to ""
pollingIntervalnumber(Optional) Polling interval in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000
accountMultichainSmartAccountThe multichain smart account to use for transactions

Available Actions

The base HTTP client is extended with the following MEE actions:

getQuoteGet a quote for executing a set of instructions
executeQuoteAlternative method to execute a quote directly
getFusionQuoteGet a fusion quote with on-chain trigger
executeFusionQuoteExecute a previously signed fusion quote
waitForSupertransactionReceiptWait for a supertransaction receipt


import { createMeeClient } from '@biconomy/abstract'
const meeClient = await createMeeClient({
  account: multiChainAccount,
  url: "",
  pollingInterval: 2000
// Use any of the extended actions
const quote = await meeClient.getQuote({
  instructions: [{ ... }),
  feeToken: {
    address: "0x...",
    chainId: 1

Type Definitions


type BaseMeeClient = {
  pollingInterval: number
  account: MultichainSmartAccount
} & HttpClient


type MeeClient = BaseMeeClient & {
  getQuote: (params: GetQuoteParams) => Promise<GetQuotePayload>
  executeQuote: (params: SignQuoteParams) => Promise<ExecuteSignedQuotePayload>
  getFusionQuote: (params: GetFusionQuoteParams) => Promise<GetFusionQuotePayload>
  executeFusionQuote: (params: ExecuteFusionQuoteParams) => Promise<ExecuteFusionQuotePayload
  waitForSupertransactionReceipt: (params: WaitForSupertransactionReceiptParams) => Promise<WaitForSupertransactionReceiptPayload>