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The addressOn method retrieves the smart account address for a specific chain. It can operate in strict or non-strict mode to handle cases where deployments don't exist.


chainIdnumberThe ID of the chain to query
strictModeboolean(Optional) Whether to throw an error if no deployment exists for the specified chain


Return TypeDescription
HexWhen strictMode is true or deployment exists
Hex | undefinedWhen strictMode is false and deployment may not exist


// Get address with strict mode (throws if not found). Type safely returns the address
const optimismAddress = account.addressOn(10, true);
// Get address without strict mode (returns undefined if not found)
const baseAddress = account.addressOn(8453);
// Use the address
if (baseAddress) {
  console.log(`Account address on Base: ${baseAddress}`);

Error Handling

Throws an error if:

  • strictMode is true and no deployment exists for the specified chain
  • Invalid chain ID is provided

Type Definitions


type AddressOnFunction = {
  (chainId: number, strictMode: true): Hex
  (chainId: number, strictMode?: false): Hex | undefined