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MEE Client

The MEE (Modular Execution Environment) Client is an interface for executing transactions across multiple chains. It enables seamless cross-chain operations by handling quote generation, signing, and execution of transactions across different blockchain networks.


import { privateKeyToAccount } from "viem/accounts";
import { createMeeClient, toMultichainNexusAccount } from "@biconomy/abstractjs";
import { baseSepolia, mainnet } from "viem/chains";
import { http } from "viem";
const privateKey = "PRIVATE_KEY";
const account = privateKeyToAccount(`0x${privateKey}`);
// Create multichain account
const mcNexus = await toMultichainNexusAccount({
  chains: [baseSepolia, mainnet],
  transports: [http(), http()],
  signer: account
const meeClient = await createMeeClient({ account: mcNexus });


accountMultichainSmartAccountYes-The multichain smart account used for cross-chain transactions. Must be created using toMultichainNexusAccount
pollingIntervalnumberNo1000Frequency in milliseconds for polling actions and events
urlstringNo""The URL for the MEE node service

MultichainSmartAccount Configuration

When creating a multichain account using toMultichainNexusAccount, the following parameters are required:

chainsChain[]Yes-Array of chains the account will interact with
signerAccountYes-The signer account that controls the smart account


Promise<MeeClient>MEE client instance providing methods for cross-chain transaction management

Developer Notice

Note: You are using the Developer Preview version of Biconomy MEE. The underlying contracts are currently under audit.