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Modular Execution Environment (MEE)


Modular Execution Environments (MEEs) are an evolution of the Bundler/Paymaster infrastructure introduced with the ERC4337 standard. With MEEs and Smart Accounts, users can leverage all functionalities offered by Bundlers and Paymasters such as:

But beyond offering just the functionality provided by the Bundlers and Paymasters, MEEs offer a plethora of new features, with users being able to:

Modular Execution Environment

Our Modular Execution Environment, powered by the permisionless Biconomy Network, enables developers to build fully chain-abstracted user experiences and to effortlessly build apps which access users, funds and liquidity across multiple blockchains.


The base of MEE is the Supertransaction data model. Supertransactions enable developers to encode multiple transactions and intents into a single data model. This entire complex series of instructions is represented by a single hash.

By signing the Supertransaction hash - the user permits all of those instructions to be executed by MEE Nodes.

// Encode a Supertransaction
const supertx: SuperTransaction = {
  instructions: [
    // Send USDC on Optimsim
      args: [recipient, sendAmount],
      gasLimit: 100_000n
    // Send USDT on Base
      args: [recipient, sendAmount],
      gasLimit: 100_000n
  // Pay for gas with USDC on Polygon
  feeToken: toFeeToken({ token: mcUSDC, chain: polygon })
// Execute everything with a single signature
await executeQuote(meeClient, {
  quote: await getQuote(meeClient, stx)


Advanced Gas Abstraction

Users can pay for execution on one chain with native or ERC20 tokens on another chain.

const supertx: Supertransaction = {
  instructions: [
    // Send USDC on Optimism
      args: [...]
  // Pay for gas with USDT on Base
  feeToken: toFeeToken({
    token: mcUSDT,
    chain: base

Execute Intents

Intent based execution has enabled instant cross-chain liqudity fronting. If a user has funds on Optimsim and Base, but needs to call a contract on Polygon - they can use intent networks and solvers to quickly move the funds to the target chain.

MEEs enable users to combine intents (for quickly getting funds on the target chains) with transactions (for precisely defining which contacts to call on the target chain).

Learn How to Execute Intents

// Move 100 USDC to Optimsim
const intent = await prepareIntent({
  account: mcNexus,
  amount: parseUnits('100', 6),
  toChain: optimism,
  token: mcUSDC
// Execute intent
await executeQuote(meeClient, {
  quote: await getQuote(meeClient, {
    instructions: [intent],
    feeToken: toFeeToken({token: mcUSDC, chain: base})

Batch Execute Large Transaction Bundles

Since MEE Nodes can execute an arbitrary number of transactions with a single gas payment and a single signature - they're not limited by the blockGasLimit so can be used for bulk executing very large bundles of transactions.

Here is an example of sending 100 USDC a thousand times.

const thousandRecipients: Address[] = Array(1000).fill(zeroAddress)
const supertx: SuperTransaction = {
  instructions: [
    // Execute `transfer` a 1000 times =>
        args: [recipient, parseUnits('100', 6)],
        gasLimit: 100000n
  // Pay for gas once with USDC on Optimism
  feeToken: toFeeToken({
    chain: optimism,
    token: mcUSDC

Multichain Orchestration

MEE enables the execution of multiple transactions on multiple chains - with a single user signature. The developer simply needs to encode a series of transactions which need to be executed - e.g. Swap USDT to USDC on Polygon, bridge USDC to Base and, once it arrives, use the exact amount which arrived to supply to a Morpho Lending Pool. The entire transaction is automatically orchestrated by the MEE network.


Code Highlight - Orchestrating A Multichain Transaction with Cross-Chain Gas Abstraction

This is an example of a Supertransaction enabled by the Modular Execution Environment. This operation will:

  1. Pull funds from multiple chains to a single target chain
  2. Wait for all the funds to arrive on the target chain
  3. Automatically orchestrate a batch execution of approve + supply

This entire Supertransaction is permitted by a single signature from the user and is automtatically orchestrated and executed by our MEE infrastructure.

MEE will make sure that all the conditions are met on the destination chain before proceeding to execute the approve and supply transactions, there is no manual management of transaction dependencies by the developer

// Move user funds from multiple chains to a single
// destination chain and execute a supply to AAVE on that
// chain. All executed with a single signature.
const sTx = supertransaction({
  account: mcNexus, // Multichain Smart Account
  feeToken: mcUSDC.on(base), // Pay gas with USDC on Base
  instructions: [
    // Encode liquidity fronting from multiple chains
    await requireERC20Balance({
      token: mcUSDC,
      chain: optimism,
      providedAmount: supplyAmount,
    // Approve USDC to AAVE
      chain: optimism,
      functionName: "approve",
      args: [
        inTimeBalanceOf(mcUSDC), // Adjust for slippage with bridging
    // Supply to AAVE
      chain: optimism,
      functionName: "supply",
      args: [
// Execute with a single user signature
const result = await meeService.execute(
  await signMeeQuote({
    executionMode: "direct-to-mee",
console.log("Supertransaction hash:", result.hash);