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Modular Smart Accounts

The backbone of the Biconomy infrastructure, providing developers with interoperability, execution and user experience benefits are - Modular Smart Accounts.

Smart Accounts are based on the ERC4337 Account Abstraction standard set by the Ethereum Foundation. They can complement or replace commonly used Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs).

Smart Accounts

About Smart Accounts

Modular Smart Accounts solve for many of the limitations of the traditionally used Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs).

Some core benefits of Modular Smart Contract Accounts (SCAs):

Pay with Tokens

SCAs enable users to pay for gas with ERC20 tokens

Free Transactions

SCAs enable developers to sponsor transactions for their users

Login and Sign Transactions with Passkeys

Users can log-in and sign-transactions with Passkeys, drastically improving their onboarding process

Recover Accounts

In case the user loses access to an SCA, they enable many ways to recover that account.

Automate Account with Bots and Agents

Developers can delegate account access to a bot or an AI agent. The bot can be constrained with various permissions - preventing it from executing unwanted transactions.

Benefits Unique to the Biconomy Stack

Beyond the core benefits, AbstractJS and the Biconomy Modular Execution Environment - enable advanced features for developers building in a modern, multi-chain execution environment:

Hybrid Execution

Execute both transactions and intents and mix and match their execution

Lightspeed Transactions

Resource lock accounts for lightspeed cross-chain execution

Cross-Chain Transaction Sequencing

Automatically sequence multiple transactions across chains and execute them with a single signature

Vendor-Neutral Chain Abstraction

Orchestrate multiple intent, bridge and cross-chain messaging providers

Cross-Chain Composability

Compose complex, interdependent function calls without writing smart contracts

Smart Account Modules


Much of the fucntionality of Smart Accounts is offered through Account Modules. Biconomy Nexus and other supported Modular Smart Accounts are based on the ERC7579 standard and can accept any module compliant with the standard. This is an industry-leading modules standard and has been adopted by most leading Smart Account providers.

By working on top of a ERC7579 standard, you're ensuring your smart account will be compliant with the most widely used Smart Account standard and the